
Looking Forward (again)

In 8 hours:  Book club meeting!  We read The Paris Wife.  I feel really connected to Hemingway after reading this and visiting his home this summer...yet have never read anything of his.  Ha!  What kind of English major do I claim to be?!

In 2 days:  Pumpkin Carving Palooza.  But how will we ever top last year's pumpkin?

In 29 days:  Back to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving!  I hear we're going to Golden Corral.  That's exactly the kind of place I miss.  I am fully supportive of anything all-you-can-eat.

In 38 days:  All my adolescent dreams will come true.  And a lot of my grown-up ones, too.

In slightly less than two months:  The epic road trip around Kansas and Oklahoma better known as "Home for Christmas."  We would (and do) drive anywhere to see our families.

In 2 months and 6 daysSam comes to visit for New Year's!  I'm sure it will be just like this:

In 3 months and a few days:  We'll be visiting all these people (and more!) in the Mile-High City

In 5 monthsThe Hunger Games movie.  Give us a real trailer already.  I'm too anxious.

In 6 and a half months:  Yet another girls' trip with my favorite ladies!  We're working on settling on a destination now.

In 1 year and 7 months:  I'll upgrade from "dental student's wife" to "dentist's wife."  Love the sound of that.

In 40ish years:  retirement


  1. Aw, I loved this post! I've been meaning to read the Paris Wife, but my book club just hasn't picked it yet, darn!

  2. I love this post! Such a good idea to see all the upcoming events at once! Road trips, friends, and family. Some of the best times imaginable! :)

  3. oh my god...i can't believe your going on the bsb cruise!! actually,when i saw the advertisement i thought it was a joke...now, i'm slightly jealous

  4. HOLY TWO-MONTHS-&-SIX-DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also, is it lame that I'm almost just as excited about your BSB cruise as I am my trip?... Almost.
    I swear I'm going to call you the second you get back to hear all about Nick. You're gonna meet him, I just know it. And when you do, make sure he's in NYC for NYE. Then we can plan to meet up with him and the boys when I come into town and we can live out my dreams! Literally, my dreams. Sound like a plan?!

  5. :) i love your looking forward post...i think i may need to borrow this idea in the next week or so...of course if you don't mind ;) i can't wait to hear where you ladies decide to go for your trip...any ideas yet? and YAY for same coming to visit...i really need to come one day...maybe PLEASE!? :)
