
Our First Pets

The mail room in our building sometimes doubles as a giveaway room:  people bring books or furniture or whatever they don't want anymore and leave it there for someone else to pick up.  So I was surprised, but not that surprised, when Scott showed up with an empty aquarium, fully equipped with a filter and a heater and a net that he nagged in the mail room!

After cultivating our ecosystem for the past week, we were ready to bring home some fish last night!  Meet our five new guppies (the colorful guys) and our two mollies.  Only the mollies have names at this point (because we can't tell the guppies apart yet), and they have been affectionately called Agent Dale Cooper (Coop) and Killer Bob (Bob), due to our recent watching/obsession/fascination with Twin Peaks.

I've never had fish before (actually, I've never really even had a pet before!), so we're hoping these guys not only survive, but really thrive.  I love them already.

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