
My Favorite Pictures of 2011


it's been a good year.
so long, 2011!


My Favorite Threads of 2011

As my first full year of blogging (January - December, that is) comes to a close, I wanted to take a look back at the things I've made, written about, and done in 2011, and pick out my favorites. A year in review, of sorts. Today I'm starting with my threads. Stay tuned for my favorite posts and pictures as well!



Merry Christmas

The angel said to them, 
"Do not be afraid; for see--
I am bringing you good news of great joy for all people:  
to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior
who is the Messiah, the Lord." 
- Luke 2:10

Wishing love, peace, and joy on this day to you and yours!


Seasons Greetings

Growing up, I was always fascinated by all the Christmas cards and year-end letters my parents received from all their friends.  I couldn't believe they had once known so many people, and that they still kept in touch with so many!

Now, we must be grown-ups, because we get more and more cards from our friends every year!  Our kitchen doors create the perfect display, and I love all these cards so much, each from a different friend, from a different era of our lives, that I just might leave them up all year round.


Navy & Cognac

When we were home over Thanksgiving, Scott did a little cleaning out of his old room. One of the things he found there was this navy sweater. While this one was sitting in his childhood closet, he had bought an identical one, which is now in his closet in New York!
So I did the obvious thing to do:  I took the surplus sweater for myself.

It had quite a few holes in it, but I figured I could sew them up in no time.  It was also a little baggy, and the neckline was way too high, for a sweater for a girl anyway.  So I stitched up those holes, took in the sides and sleeves a few inches, chopped off the neckline, and sewed a cognac-colored satin ribbon around the neckline.  Voila!
Then I decided to only wear other shades of navy and cognac throughout my entire outfit.  I thought it was a little overkill, but three different people told me they liked my outfit at the office!  So, maybe it wasn't overkill?  Or maybe the people at my office just like overkill.  Am I overkilling the word overkill?
Don't know yet how the ends of the ribbon are going to hold up in the wash, but I hope it survives!  I would like to wear this one again and again and again.  I mostly just used this ribbon because it was the only one I had lying around, but I think I stumbled upon a pretty winning color combo!
Thank you, Scott, for letting me steal all your sweaters.  :)

Things The Mind Cannot Comprehend

I have been using a sewing machine off and on for probably 20 years, but I never really knew how they actually worked.  Until Scott saw this way cool gif on Reddit that explains how a sewing machine actually makes stitches!

And, to be honest, I've been watching it for the last minute straight, and I still don't think I get it...

But hey!  I don't mind if I don't get it, as long as it gets the job done!


Merchandise of the Month...Nay, YEAR!

It almost doesn't seem possible, but I have made it to the end of my "Only Buy One Item of Clothing Per Month in 2011" year.  AND I DID IT.  (Although, if I had to do it again, I would definitely not include shoes in this challenge.  I spent 7 of my 12 items on shoes, meaning I really only bought 5 pieces of clothing all year long.  And then I cut one of them up.)

Which isn't to say that I didn't have any new clothes all year, because not buying simply gave me the chance to make more for myself, but of my entire 2011 wardrobe, only 12 pieces were actually bought.  I thought that by the end of the year, I would feel pretty deprived.  As it turns out, I actually feel pretty good.

Here is my final Merchandise of the Month!

Sweater from Gap
And because I never pass up the chance to make a collage...
All my Merchandises of the Month, 2011! 

What I bought in:  January, February, March, April, May/June/July, August, September/October/November

Should I try this again in 2012...?