
Book I Read in January

I only finished one this month (because I spent the first half of the month attempting to read this!), but here are all the rest, if you're looking for book recommendations.

Night by Elie Wiesel
Perhaps the most famous Holocaust memoir out there, Night is the autobiographical account of a teenaged Jewish boy's experience during World War II, as his family is removed from their village to a ghetto and soon end up as prisoners in several Nazi concentration camps.  My goodness, this story will haunt you.  It is harrowing, graphic, and heart-crushing, as you would imagine that it would be.  Interestingly enough, there has been a considerable amount of criticism over how much truth is found in this book, and whether it can rightfully be classified as a memoir or if it should be labeled as fiction.  I think it doesn't really matter.  Even if the specific events of this story didn't actually happen to Elie, other survivors' and witnesses' accounts have assured us that these things did happen.  That much cannot be argued.  Also, though this book is translated from its original Yiddish, Wiesel's naked, stark method of storytelling remains intact, and makes for an entrancing read.  Tissues needed.

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