What I made:
Simplicity 3686 pants pattern (now out of print), also used to make those really wide-legged pants from Day 3!
Wool fabric from the bargain table at Paron's on 40th
When I made it:
November 2009.
What I like about it:
Say it with me now: POCKETS. Both the ones in the front, and the pocket flaps in the back!
The length - I love cropped pants.
These pants are a constructional improvement over Day 3's pants - I just did a better job making them since they were my second pair intead of my first.
*If you are wondering why this is the last day of September and I'm saying I have one day left still, you need only look back on Day 9, aka the day Valerie never got dressed. I must make up for that!
And I have left a grand finale of sorts for last - possibly my favorite thing I've ever made...curious? :)