
On the Horizon

The winter blues are getting me down around here.  It is cold.  It keeps snowing just often enough to make sure the ground is always wet and slushy and gross and guess what the weather forecast is for the next 5 days:

THIS QUALIFIES AS A BUMMER.  Yes, there is a tiny bit of sunshine in there, but those temps are not warm enough for this girl!  But in positive news, next week the sunset time will finally be after 5:00 PM again!

Anyway, to bust out of these winter blues a little bit (because let's be honest, we have 2 more months of winter in store, so I'm going to have to accept it), I thought I would do some looking ahead to some things that are just ahead, and some that are a little bit farther away (which I did a few months ago as well):

In 3 hours and 3 minutes:  Official weekend status <--you will not be sorry if you click there

In 3 days:  Another episode of the Bachelor.  Michelle, you are so bananas!

Not 29.  Not 31.  30.
In 14 days:  Girl Talk in Philly

In 41 days:  3rd annual Girls' Trip - this time to Dallas!

In 49 days:  I will turn 26.  4 months before Scott does.  Ha!  I'm older than you!

In 4 months and 1 week:  Wedding weekend with these two!

In 4 months and 3 weeks:  The concert of my 8th grade dreams

In 11 months:  Christmas!  Already!

In 2+ years:  The Hunger Games WILL BE A MOVIE.  Hurry up and cast this thing, people!

In 40+ years:  Retirement


  1. i totally get the bummer blues when it's this cold and gross out too.. i like the sun and the nice 75 degree weather.. goodness. HANG IN THERE LADY! it looks like soooo many great things are ahead :)

    and to add to the list, in
    22+ days you will be getting updates from Australia!!!!!!!!

  2. So many things to look forward to! Keep your chin up with the wintery weather!

    p.s. I just finished The Hunger Games during my snow day yesterday! OBSESSED.

  3. thank you for making it incredibly real how far away the wedding is. or how close i should say.

  4. I cannot WAIT for The Hunger Games! Best books ever, and I can't wait to find out the cast, either- its going to be amazing!

  5. Actually.........in 13 months Hunger Games will be a movie!!! Release date is March 12 (I think that's the correct date) 2012!!!!!

  6. Valerie - I have no idea what the Hunger Games are (is?) about. Does that surprise you?

  7. It doesn't surprise me too much, Mom. But you probably could have guess that it's a young adult book that my sister made me read and now we're both obsessed with!
